We specialise in Retro fit domestic and residential sprinklers and fire mist systems across the UK
Specialists in Fire Protection
types of buildings and properties.

Keeping families safe against fire with a sprinkler system is now essential to any new family home. We also install sprinkler systems within existing homes and have innovative ways to hide the pipe work.

The full service solution, done right.

Sprinkler Systems
Our more traditional fire stopping solution, we specialise in retro fit sprinkler systems, as well as more modern systems.

Mist Systems
Approved installers of iCO Systems

Fire Stopping
Approved installers of Quelfire products

Mechanical & Electrical
We provide a full end-to-end M&E solution for all your mechanical and electrical needs.

Design & Management
Systems and services fully designed from the ground up and managed through to final delivery with excellence.Types of buildings we work in
install fire sprinkler systems within any type of building or property.
Recently completed project
Valiant House
This large retro fit project consisting of 93 flats in Charlton Southeast London did have its challenges. The majority of flats were occupied which required a considerable amount of coordination to ensure our teams had access to individual flats.
The project itself was a straightforward category 2 residential system with a dedicated pump and tank water supply serving an external riser.
The system is serviced and maintained at regular intervals as directed by the installation standard BS9251:2014

Need to speak to an expert about your sprinker system?
“Peabody have worked alongside ASSL for over 18 months and have found them to be professional, conscientious and always willing to go the extra mile for our customers. They are an excellent contractor who perform day in and day out..”
Vince Cooper

Who we work with
We are proud to have worked with some great clients and partners over the years